Monday, July 9, 2012

Freezing Fire Graphic Novel and Script

Panel A
It's night time and it has been raining. The only light is from the street lights above.  A twelve-year-old girl, SABRINA (who looks like a young Elizabeth Taylor, dark hair, and blue eyes) is running toward the bottom right of frame (facing front) through the suburban neighborhood of Clearwater, Florida. She's frightened to death and we can see it on her face. The neighborhood looks like a war zone with dead bodies littering the lawns.  Behind her is an overturned car on fire. Slightly visible behind the rising plume of smoke, is an advancing Vituperator (a large dragon-like creature with a thin layer of skin, like that of a flying squirrel, attached to its wrists an ankles).
Panel B 
Sabrina is running toward upper right frame of panel looking over her shoulder at a large looming shadow following her. She has a terrified look on her face.
Panel C
Sabrina’s foot splashes through a puddle of water as she runs away (this should be a close-up).
Panel D
Sabrina is crouching by a fence and shrubbery. There is a smoldering home just beyond the fence. She shows signs of fear and paranoia.

Panel A
Sabrina sees the ravaged neighborhood from her perspective behind the fence. It looks like it is war torn (smoldering buildings. Other buildings reduced to rubble), but surprisingly she’s in America. We even see street signs to indicate that it was like any other suburban neighborhood maybe just hours before.
Panel B
She hears some noise and runs through a backyard to get away.  A mean German shepherd chases her.
Between Panel B and C, a close-up of Sabrina’s eyes with a look of desperation
Panel C
She tries her best to climb over the fence. 
Panel D
The German shepherd barely misses biting her shoes.
Panel E
Tears fill her eyes as she lands on the other side of the fence, while the dog salivates over its missed meal.  

Panel A
Sabrina’s feet are in the foreground as she runs to an SUV, with the silhouette of her mother behind the window.
            Female voice:              “Run to the car, baby!”
Panel B
            This should be a close-up of Sabrina’s hands tugging on the SUVs’ door handle.
Panel C
Sabrina dives through the locked door’s window as smoke spews from the SUVs’ squealing tires.
Panel D
An edgy Sabrina sits in the passenger seat staring up at her mom, who is driving.
           Sabrina:                                   “Ma, how come you never said anything while you were following me?”
           Mother:                                   “I thought those things were following me to get you!”

Panel A
The SUV is rolling on Interstate 95 in a downpour. Lightning crashes close to the vehicle. Captions are exterior of the SUV:
Sabrina:                       “We have to tell somebody, you know. Those things are gonna follow us and kill other people.”
Mother:                       “No they won’t. They won’t catch us in here.”

Panel B
            Sabrina stares out the passenger window and asks:
            Sabrina:                                   “Where are we going anyway?”

Panel C
            A close-up of her mother’s sleepy expression from hours of driving.
             Mother:                                   “Boston!”
Panel D
An interior shot of the SUV. Sabrina pops the latch to the glove compartment. As an eerie glow surrounds the tiny door, she asks:
            Sabrina:                                   “Why Boston?”
Panel E
Another interior shot of the SUV showing Sabrina’s hand reaching toward her newest fantasy novel, surrounded by various items in the open glove compartment. Lying on that novel is a golden bangle bracelet with sparkles rising from it.

Panel A
Sabrina’s face is aglow as she slides the bracelet on her wrist as she reads the words mysteriously sizzling onto the page of her novel.
            Sabrina:                       “When Pixies dance in spectral strobes, wearing garments flickering flame. Rising from her chrysalis, will be a guardian without a name.”
Panel B
            Similar shot of Panel A as Sabrina finishes the incantation.
            Sabrina:                       “Her weapons of choice, flaming daggers of ice, wreak havoc with the rising sun. And unless the chosen can crack this code, we’ll be defeated by the evil one.”
Panel C
Sabrina points out the front windshield out. Her mother is in the driver’s seat. Both have horrified expressions, while lightning crashes outside of the driver’s side window.
            Sabrina:                       “Ma, did you see that?”
             Mother:                       “See what?”
Panel D
Tires squeal as Sabrina’s mom jams the brakes to avoid hitting the darkened silhouette of a faerie standing in the forefront, directly in the path of their SUV. Both have terrified looks on their faces.

Proposal Overview

I wanted to share what inspired the creation of the Sabrina Hunter Series in this blog. The contents stated herein result from years of research. Names have been excluded to protect the trauma some families continue to experience today. However, if there are any questions regarding the facts, I have links readily available. I know some of these events will raise an eyebrow, and feel obligated to keep my readers informed, while still protecting the families involved.

Thank you for understanding.

Freezing Fire Proposal Overview

Randall Staples

I.  The Content:

     A.   Premise

The startling facts, according to PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), lists a combined literary average of grades four through twelve as 389, while a mere five percent of 35.2 million high school students top out at 663.  (These figures reflect the United States only, which ranks twentieth in forty participating countries.)
The fact is: schools obtain government grants reflecting the graduating class size; not the classroom.  Sadly, small grants mean larger classrooms and less attention to each student.  The results are smaller graduating classes; a difficult cycle to break.
Sabrina Hunter’s FREEZING FIRE adventure interrupts this cycle by increasing the readership of our children with a score of incentives intended to build their confidence, further their education, and attract attention to what ails society today.

     B.    Motivations for Subject Matter        

The PIRLS Nation’s report card also states: sixty-eight percent of our Nation’s fourth-graders are reading below the proficiency level, while sixty-four percent of twelfth-graders never make it there.

·         Thirty-two percent of fourth graders, twenty-five percent of eighth-graders, and sixty-four percent of twelfth graders scored below the basic score.

·         Sixty-eight percent of fourth graders, sixty-eight percent of eighth-graders, and sixty-four percent of twelfth-graders scored below the proficient level.

·         Thirty-four percent of our Nation’s fourth-graders never read for fun out of school, while the international average of fourth graders is eighteen percent.

In May of 2009, CNN reported that nearly 6.2 million students, in the United States, ages sixteen to twenty-four, dropped out of high school, fueling a report called 'a persistent high school dropout crisis'.

Also, scores from the 2009 Pisa program show 15-year-old students in the U.S. ranked 21st in science and 25th in math. Of 34 OECD countries, only 8 have a lower high school graduation rate than the US. Add thirty-four percent of 72.3 million children living in single parent families, while 2.9 million live without either parent, and you have 27.5 million children floating the poverty level, while 13 million children sit well below.  The saddest part: 35 million children go hungry every year. Fuse this number to an alarming amount of schools in disarray, and you have an education system altering their policies to adapt to the lack of federal funding.  These children are our future. If we can’t get them to read, what future will we have? 

The following facts are results of elementary, middle, and high school students.  

A teenage boy stabs a fouteen-year-old girl, of Charlestown, Mass. over one-hundred times because she would not submit to his advances.  Another teenage boy shoots and kills a twleve-year-old girl, of Roxbury, Mass., and an eight-year-old boy, of Dorchester, Mass., was shot and killed by his seven-year-old cousin.  These children died violently, and their deaths could have been prevented if their killers were educated. (These names are withheld to protect the traume these families still experience today. However, if needed, links can be supplied to these articles).

Sabrina Hunter’s goal is to reduce the above percentages by combining three elements of reading together, such as,

·         Merge the compositions of stories children already find interesting.

·         Formulate a unique world of characters, situations, and emotions children can identify, while structuring a storyline that focuses on values to help them succeed in life.

·         End each chapter compelling enough to keep the children reading, while inserting words requiring research to increase their learning skills.  And finally, reward them with opportunities to further their education.

This is every parents dream, right?  Is it possible to find someone who can occupy the minds of 72.3 million children (this figure obviously increases world-wide), make a story compelling enough to keep them reading and, the real challenge, get children to research values to help them succeed in life?  Not in the real world, but Sabrina Hunter will transport them into her world and get the job done.

C.       Unique Selling Proposition

Some parents reward children with allowances for doing chores around their homes.  Why not reward children for the ambition to learn.  Why not add a fourth element to increase their desire to read material that will give them a chance to succeed with a format not easily deciphered until research is applied.

If we add a fourth element, say, a scholarship program for chosen winners who participate in deciphering the message of each journey:

Then Sabrina Hunter will:

·        Create a buzz among the readers and the education system, thus, increasing the sales of this series. (I am aggressively working with the Boards of Education to have this series installed into their summer reading program)
·        Draw attention to the problems children face in today’s society.

·        Draw children away from the television long enough to teach them how to identify life’s complexities early in crisis, so they can resolve these issues.

·        Create an entertaining environment so children can research without the pressures of being graded.  (Through consistent applications, this would make compiling information for their schoolwork easily understandable without the pressures of being graded.)

·         Finally, and more importantly, it will create opportunities for children who might never have a chance to further their education.

Our children are our biggest assets, and our future depends on their proficiency level.  If we, as role models, get these positive messages to children at an early age, then we give them a better chance to succeed in life; hence, a brighter future.

D.       Overview

Children often look for escapes to channel traumatic events in their lives.  This unfortunate account is true in most cases, because parents (especially those raising children alone) simply do not have all the answers.  Often times these events overwhelm the parents, who regress to their own iniquities, thus, leaving their children to sort through these trying times alone.

We have counselors for these situations, right?  Well, how many of the 72.3 million children, who suffer one traumatic event or another at different stages in their life; actually visit one; let alone the troubles needed to convince them to go.

Sabrina demonstrates the variations of each event by applying positive and negative applications through each adventure.  This early intervention will prepare children for these trying times so they can work through them, or seek the help they need to understand them.

Now, J.K. Rowling did a wonderful job at getting children to read.  However, the Harry Potter series will not help children battle the complexities they face in today’s society.  With Harry Potter behind us, this would be the perfect time to introduce Sabrina Hunter to the world.

Why now, you ask, and why choose Harry Potter as an example.  Well, although extensive research failed to reveal fantasy novels regarding structure; the content of the Sabrina Hunter series blends:

·         The protagonist’s desire to overcome adversity at a young age, so the reader can grow and relate to her situations.

·         A unique world of modern day faeries (some, deceitful and deadly), which explode onto earth with tortuous ferocity.

·         A quest that sprinkles life’s complexities with breathless sinister twists to keep the children reading.

I would like to express at this time, the only use of Harry Potter as an example, is based on the interest and impact that series had on our children.  All demons, characters, animate and inanimate objects, pets and dialogue are unique. You will see that this series is full of information not found in the Harry Potter series.

Freezing Fire focuses on love, trust, faith, and, truth.  While most people spend a lifetime searching for these complexities, they never really find them; simply because they look in the wrong places. 

Sabrina Hunter addresses these issues in two parts: the difficulties of life when applied through disdain, and the simplicity of life when we understand the only way to bring them out in others is to, first, find them in ourselves.  This is the message of Sabrina Hunter’s Freezing Fire adventure.

Her second adventure, Sheltered Life, is under construction and focuses on poverty and discrimination, while her third will tackle gangs and violence.  Kids join gangs to find what they lack at home: love.  This is a clear example of why most people search for love in the wrong places.  That’s why Freezing Fire is so important as the debut novel

II.   The Market

  1. Characteristics
The design and content of this series has an overall format (comedy and drama) to attract the young reader.  The structure is designed to attract older teens, and the rewarding scholarship program is designed to attract the education system for their summer reading program.  Although I see this novel sitting in the Children’s/YA section of bookstores, I also see it in the Independent Reader Series section.  My goal is to seat this series in the Best Sellers section.

  1. Provisions

While these provisions have an attractive feature to draw children to the series, the overall reward is to reach them at an early age, teach them how to identify life’s complexities, and show them how to approach them with positive resolutions.

1.            First, this section will be consistent with each novel throughout the Sabrina Hunter series.  (Please note: foreign participation will equal the U.S. dollar amount.)

·         Five five-thousand dollar scholarships, five two-thousand dollar scholarships, and fifteen one-thousand dollar scholarships will be awarded to the selected winners who unravel the clues and solve the message correctly. 

·         Please Note: This program may increase according to the success of the series.

o      Half of my proceeds will go directly into a separate scholarship fund.  As I travel to promote this series, and raise awareness to our children’s education, I will entice celebrities, high corporate firms, and other institutions to contribute to the education of our children.

2.           For the younger children, who may struggle with the structure and plan, I have added a fifth element.  Select children will become characters in the following adventures (providing parents sign legal waivers to prevent issues regarding the integrity of the Sabrina Hunter series).  These children will choose their character, colors, styles, and manners in which they will help or hinder Sabrina conquer her next quest.  Until these winners are chosen, I will use “fillers” to continue writing.

The fifth element is not new, sure, but it is different.  The old style compliments stories shared by the immediate family only.  This new style will allow children to be characters in adventures read by many.  Can you imagine the surprise, and delight of children who open their mail to discover they have been chosen, not only to be a character, but the manner in which they will participate?  This should create a stir among the younger readers. (Please note: only first names will be used in the adventures.  Their full name will surface in the credits.)

3.           Finally, why not add a sixth element to include select winners to become “Faerie,” or “Troll” for a day.  This will level the playing field for the younger ones who struggle, but try to solve the message.  This will include an appearance at their school for a reading, with a host of concessions surrounding the winners and their friends, and finally, ending with a party in their favor.

These novels are designed to attract attention to what ails society today perhaps setting the standards for Corporate America, and author/reader relations, who care enough to help our children with their education, and the direction in which they will lead.  After all, without proper education for our children, what future will we have?


A.     Background.

Raised in a single parent household in Charlestown, Massachusetts during an era torn by racial strife (Forced busing of the seventies) was more than enough to start my life out on a long hard road.  On 10 June 1981, I died on the operating table at Mass General Hospital, but the doctors never gave up on me. I have since volunteered to help children avoid the forbidden path through numerous mentoring programs. 

After twenty-four years of sharing the joy, heartache, and successes of countless children, I combined their experiences with my own and, after several years of research, gave birth to Sabrina Hunter’s Freezing Fire adventure.

As I write this proposal, I am a single father raising six children alone.  All my children are active in their respective communities. 

B.     Goals

      My goal is to inspire writers, authors, celebrities, and Corporate America to invest in our children’s education.  I am communicating with the Boards of Education to instill this series in their summer reading program.  I am also raising donations for Sabrina Hunter's Freezing Fire adventure, which will peak at fifty thousand dollars by the time this adventure hits the store-shelves (Although I have several donors as I write this, a copy of one such donor will accompany this proposal).  Also, half of my proceeds from this series will be deposited into a second scholarship fund.  With my contributions, I will reach out to Corporate America and bring the importance of the children’s education to the forefront to increase the monies contributed to this fund. I’ve had numerous conversations with Attorney Steven Brooks, of Dedham Massachusetts—tel 781-251-0555, who also has contacts in the media circuit. He has expressed interest for this project from the beginning and will be the trustee of the Sabrina Hunter Scholarship Fund. I have support from numerous schools and libraries, where I will hold readings. I also have a large supermarket chain (Stop & Shop) willing to promote my work throughout the New England area. I have friends in the comedy circuit I will reach out to; one is a radio host of WRCA 1330 that offered to reserve several one hour slots to promote my work. I am also a proud member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 103, which I first joined in 1982.  We are a tight-knit international family of 750,000 strong.  I have shared my views with my administrative brothers and sisters, who have taken an interest and offered to help. The IBEW has a journal that reaches all 750,000 members worldwide, where I plan to place ads. The Financial Secretary of Local 103 also offered setting aside booths for me at all of IBEW’s future conventions (at least four per year). I will travel extensively to promote Sabrina Hunter’s quests and raise awareness to our faltering education system. And finally, I will have a website drawn to attract my target audience. It is my goal to make that website interactive by animation in the future.

IV.   Cast of Characters

Sabrina Hunter is the protagonist.  She is a little girl of twelve, struggling with the loss of her mom, the bitterness of her father’s new companion, and the pursuit of her mother’s killer.

Samera is a fae, and the overseer of the Guardians of the Locket.  She represents trust in numerous ways, while guiding Sabrina throughout her quests.

Seraya is also a fae, who represents love.  She is the director of the first sector of knowledge, and the deciding factor in the Freezing Fire climax.

Aaliyah is a pixie, who represents Sabrina’s faith.  Her underdeveloped powers create an aura of cuteness, until she reveals the unsuspecting twist in the Freezing Fire climax.

Cadence represents Sabrina’s inability to speak of her problems.

Bergs is half of the comedy team, and represents Sabrina’s indifference.  Although heartless at first, he soon discovers his feelings create his own struggles to find his purpose in life.

Ne’Scient is an orphaned shape-shifting troll, and the other half of the comedy team.  He represents Sabrina’s ignorance, and initiates the battles Sabrina incurs in her quest.

Gordon is a gargoyle, which represents truth.  At first, this scares Sabrina, until she realizes the strength in truth, which carries her to the climax.

Succuba is Ne’Scient’s nemesis; after all, someone has to keep him in line (smile).

Virago means loud or boisterous woman.  These demons are the antagonists representing the woman Sabrina fears will replace her mother.  These blistering, unsightly demons wreak havoc throughout the first sector of knowledge to capture the cipher.

Vituperators (or vituperate) means spread negative information.  These demons are the Viragos’ deceitful soldiers, who leap with tortuous ferocity to prevent Sabrina from reaching Copperhead Cave, where the final battle takes place.

Ophidians are also soldiers of the Viragos.  These grotesque serpents kidnap Cadence, which initiates the ambushes that separate the group to teach Sabrina the difficulties of life when she battles her fears alone.

Saurians complete the circle of evil, which trap the group with slime.  These soldiers represent the mess Sabrina created through her disdain for Whitney.

Polyphemes are the offspring of the mythical giant Polyphemus.  These blind giants represent the magnitude of Sabrina’s problem, which she fails to see.

The Nyrjiidra is an enormous Draco rising to battle the Guardian in the Freezing Fire climax.

The Guardian represents peace, and rises from her chrysalis to battle the Nyrjiidra.

Crystal is Sabrina’s biological mother, who represents the fae’s weapons.

Thomas is Sabrina’s father, who initiates this quest by bringing Whitney into Sabrina’s life without discussing it with her; resulting in Sabrina’s quest for love, trust, faith, and truth.

Whitney is the woman Sabrina fears will replace her mother.  She suspects this woman has something to do with her mother’s death, triggering Sabrina’s quest.