Welcome to the Sabrina Hunter Series’ main portal. This journey began several years ago with one concept in mind: enriching the lives of the audiences so many writers reach out to with their creativity.
This site’s main focus is children. We have a ton of incentives in mind to stir their creativity in their developmental stages, while never losing sight of what makes a child tick…FUN!!!
Now, a lot of you might be asking ‘How can someone make learning fun?’ Well, for starters, Sabrina’s adventures are packed with information you might not find in a classroom textbook. No, this info is what they’ll face in their everyday activities, whether it is a situation in their classroom, in their living room, or that moment when they’re trying to escape the maze of distorted branches they feel will reach down and scoop them up on any given Halloween night.
Okay that last line is stretching it a little, but you’ll be amazed at some of the predicaments Sabrina encounters that she feels there is no escape. Sometimes there IS no escape…that is, without her bumbling friends, Bergs and Ne’Scient’s, help. What would life be without a comedic duo that can’t get out of each other’s way? Of course, there are instances where this comedy team needs to learn that they’re not making life any easier. They just weren’t expecting to learn from Su’Ku’Da. Who would? Su’Ku’Da is Ne’Scient’s nemesis, but he doesn’t take any flack from Bergs, either…no matter how big he is.
Sabrina’s not ready for any of this. How can anyone be ready? This is 2012. You know…the age of computers and smart phones, one-hundred and three inch televisions, and demons you can’t see from killing your neighbors and friends to get something from you, you don’t even know exists? Wait a minute…what? Yeah, Sabrina’s not ready for this. She’s certainly not ready for other demons leaping with torturous ferocity to prevent her from exposing their master plan, and the only group she can depend on is deceitful and deadly faeries trying to convince you that they’re not the enemy? Sounds like a great fantasy novel, huh?
Well, Sabrina feels that same way at times. She feels she’ll wake up from this horrible nightmare at any moment, and sit down with her mother to eat breakfast before going to school. Only, she discovers her mother won’t be there, her school was annihilated by these demons in search of her, and this is no dream.
I hope you find this interesting enough to search through this site’s remaining portals. You see, Sabrina needs your help, and, while I designed this incentive package to surround the children, what good can come out of it if she doesn’t get parent participation?
Inside, you’ll find I never closed that door. I’m asking parents to become involved in this series also, because I don’t have all the answers. None of us do. But, together, we can build a brighter future for our kids by giving them a better understanding of what they’ll face tomorrow, today.
There will also be a host of incentives for parent participation, also.
Stay tuned…